15.1 Public photo archives

Apollo Archive
Photographs, timelines, schematics, simulators and many other documents.

Apollo Image Archive
High-resolution, direct scans of the original Apollo films used by the Panoramic Camera, Mapping (Metric) Camera, Apollo Lunar Surface Closeup Camera (ALSCC) and Nikon 35 mm camera. Direct scans of the other films are at the March to the Moon website.

Apollo Image Atlas (70 mm)
Archive of the Apollo photographs taken on 70 mm film.

Apollo Image Atlas (35 mm Nikon)
Photographs taken on 35 mm film during the Apollo 17 flight.

Apollo Image Atlas (Metric Camera)
Photos from the automatic lunar surface mapping camera installed in the service module of Apollo 15, 16 and 17.

Apollo Image Atlas (Panoramic Camera)
Photographs from the automatic panoramic lunar surface mapping camera installed in the service module of Apollo 15, 16 and 17.

Apollo Lunar Surface Closeup Camera (ALSCC)
Catalog of the stereo images of lunar soil taken by the closeup camera during the Apollo missions.

Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth
Despite the name, this site includes very high-resolution scans of the Apollo mission photographs, including the photos taken on the Moon.

LIFE Magazine
Pictures of the Apollo program taken from the well-known US magazine.

Lunar Orbiter Photo Gallery
Collection of the lunar mapping images taken by the Lunar Orbiter automatic probes launched by the United States (1966-67).

Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon
Lunar atlas based on the photographs taken by the Lunar Orbiter probes.

Lunar Panoramas
Panoramas created by merging digitally the original Apollo photographs taken on the Moon.

March to the Moon
High-resolution, direct scans of the original films used in the Hasselblad, ALSCC and Nikon cameras of all the Apollo missions, including Apollo 4 and Apollo 6.

NASA Images
An immense catalog of photographs from all aspects of the US space program.

NIX - NASA Image Exchange
One of NASA’s primary audio, photo and video archives.

Ranger Photographs of the Moon
Lunar photographs taken by the United States’ Ranger probes (1961-65).

Science Photo
Commercial catalog of science photographs, including images from the space programs of several countries.